Monday, June 20, 2011


There are some pics that make you say 'what the fuck is going on?' But on second glance--while still a little freaky--makes want to keep looking.

What the fuck is he wearing?

Not eating that pizza...
But I will have that beef!

Yeah... that looks comfortable

Fucking on pool steps is NOT easy or fun

Put the leg down and let me suck it.

Countertop. Crammed into wall. Uncomforatable.

Sorry... not into feet.

I know first hand: do NOT hunt naked.

Unless your dick & balls are tiny, running naked hurts

This is not sanitary...

1 comment:

  1. 'WTF?' Thanks for this gallery. I enjoyed seeing the pictures and reading the funny comments. I especially like looking at the guys in pictures: 1, 5, 8, 9, and 10.
